Should I have apologised


I was poorly a couple of days back. One evening I went to buy some groceries from Sainsbury's, I was in a hurry, I was still feeling sick and wanted to get home as quickly as possible. Unfortunately when it was my turn to pay, as I walked up to the cashier, I let out a horrible-smelling fart. The lady and gentleman behind me must have sniffed it, I know because I could smell it but I couldn't stop myself.

I was so embarrassed and I caught a glimpse of the woman pinching her nose with her fingers. I am thinking now, should I have turned around and said, sorry that was me.

Do we apologise for farting??? Especially if it comes with an offensive smell.

I've also noticed, if the fart has a sound, it usually has no odour.
Its only those silent ones.....

thanks for your opinions
love satchi


Oh Satchi, I am in absolute hysterics, my mum has just come in to see why I'm laughing so much!

No need to apologise at all... better out than in I say! And yes, silent but deadly is often the way.

Oh gosh, I think I need to lie down now from all that laughter!


Uhmm, why do I find this a slightly irrelevant question here? Ah, am being a prude perhaps! Anyway, funny story. Eat veggies..(sprout)


Lol lol lol, oh dear, no never apologise - indeed, the ruling goes that he who smelt it dealt it, and he who denied it supplied it!!!!! :p And yes, the silent but deadly ones are the worst - you poor thing, must have been horribly embarrassing. Don't worry, the woman probably thought the man had done it - they are the worst for that kind of thing ;-)


Hehe, yup stressed, our version was: "The one who smelt it dealt it" to which you'd then reply "The one who said the rhyme did the crime". Puerile but funny :-)

And don't worry Satchi, the woman was almost certainly doing her little nose-pinch routine so that her partner wouldn't think it was her (which he quite possibly did anyway, hehe). I think we probably should just be honest and own up to these things the way we would a yawn or belch, but I've rarely seen it.


======= Date Modified 14 Aug 2010 14:08:17 =======
lol Satchi I came on this forum in a foul temper and you've just cheered me up so much now!! I don't think you need have apologised at all, that's life! And as Teek said, it was probably the woman trying to make it obvious that it wasn't her! :-)

Also I think this thread is well suited to the off-topics section, as much other threads on contraception, dating advice etc, none of which I have a problem with...


Quote From algaequeen

Also I think this thread is well suited to the off-topics section, as much other threads on contraception, dating advice etc, none of which I have a problem with...

Thanks, agree wit u !! As I said, was being a prude for a couple moments :



thank you so much everyone :-) :-) :-)
now I know I can fart without saying sorry

thanks so much
love satchi


now I know I can fart without saying sorry

quite possibly my all time favourite sentence ever!!


I fart everywhere, I seem to be a naturally windy person (up)


Heck Satchi, never apologise for farting! Any animal with a GI tract has to do it. My mum's dog is the best; it farts when it's half asleep and scares itself senseless.. We'd actually die if we didn't (we have to expel 2 litres of bowel gas a day). I suppose it's all a question of timing and discretion, and you just misfired.


You're only doing what comes naturally! See the NHS video below.{95b2e54d-46f8-47eb-a1c5-d5694f7cf1bc}&tag=&title=nhs+videos+|+flatulence&uri=video%2f2008%2faugust%2fpages%2fflatulence.aspx

======= Date Modified 14 Aug 2010 22:06:52 =======
It's an SBD - Silent But Deadly. Do not own up to a trump in public, unless it was loud and undeniably yours, then you can make a joke of it. But do not apologise.

If it helps any, I did the loudest trump of all time during the silent bit just before the Lord's prayer at junior school weekly assembly when I was 9. The entire school was there, everyone knew it was me, and there was much laughter, inluding a cooment from the headmaster. Afterwards, 'farty' was incorporated into my nick-name, but it didn't hinder me socially at all, at school or afterwards...


This has really cheered me up! No apology necessary, but the people behind may be able to dine out on the tale of the time they were in this supermarket queue and...


Quote From joyce:

the people behind may be able to dine out on the tale of the time they were in this supermarket queue and...

the girl with the messy hair, brown mac and blue jeans infront of them let out a really stinky fart--and she didnt even apologise!!!
:-) :-) :-)
love satchi
ps: I'm still feeling farty; I'm staying away from the lab tomorrow :p