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SMC University Graduates


======= Date Modified 06 58 2009 14:58:59 =======
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I am very confused about the SMC University as I just got admission to the school for a DBA program but very sceptical about its accreditation.

Please I'll like to know more about this school.
If you are agraduate of SMC please could you let me know where you work and if your degree was accepted by your employers.


Have you "Googled" their international reputation?

Out of curiosity, why have you applied to do a strenuous period of study without checking out your university? That's one hell of a big risk..


SMC is accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). This accreditation is recognized by CHEA, the Council of Higher Education Accreditation and the US Department of Education. It is one of the most reputable international accreditations for Business Programs.

Furthermore, SMC is well ranked by the Financial Times.

View selected student profiles at the following link:
This should give you an idea of what type of people, professional, and educational backgrounds accept SMC.


I found further references on their site:

They are also under review for government accreditation within the EU:

What I also like is the fact that Prof. Bouillon, one of the world's most recognized Solcial Philosophers and member of the mont pelerin society (top think tank) is behind their PHD in Economics program. For me a proof of credibility. Further top scholars include Prof. Leube of Stanford University (Hoover Institution) and their link to Prof. Rabushka, father of the Flat Tax.

Bottom line: their accreditation may be "complicated" or "confusing", however I trust that this is a place to receive an outstanding education from top lecturers at a fair price.


Quote From Hypothesis:

Have you "Googled" their international reputation?

Out of curiosity, why have you applied to do a strenuous period of study without checking out your university? That's one hell of a big risk..

Hypothesis, I have reasons to suspect this thread... the original post and the perfectly tailormade response from Image1 makes it look like a rather innovative style of advertiisng, one that may even escape moderator attention!


hello phdbug,

i assure that this is my honest opinion and not "made up". as a coincidence i happen to be on the outlook of an online doctorate and came across smc as well. i spoke to people, and have even visited them. this created some sense of "sympathy" and good feeling. if you still sense my responses to be maufactured, it should be erased.


Ah yes, the classic 'set-up' (faux problem) followed by 'helpful' solution containing plenty of links ;-)


...or to use geek terminology:

An internet shill engaging in sockpuppetry!


======= Date Modified 04 Jul 2009 10:04:35 =======
Not sure what all the babble is on this thread, but I'll take the various posts as someone wishing more information on SMC University.

I am a recent graduate in the Doctor of Political Economy track. The program was very interesting and challenging. I had both Professor Leube and Professor Bouillon within the program. Both being very challenging courses. I started in the Fall of 2005 and finished in June 2009. In the fall of 2008 I shifted to full time studies to finish the dissertation and also began teaching at the Grenoble Graduate Business School (GGBSB),, in the spring of 2009 where I am returning this fall teaching 4 courses.

As mentioned SMC is accredited by ACBSP in the US and also ECBE in Europe. GGSB which is a triple accredited school (AMBA, AACSB, Equis) had no problem with the SMC degree from a teaching standpoint. So you can take that for what it is worth.

I think if you are looking for a flexible program that is reasonably priced and seems to be accepted by the top universities than SMC fits the bill. Of course there are other schools out there but in my opinion, when I started back in 2005 and still today, there are not too many that give you the flexibility that SMC does.

Naturally, with any program you get out of it what you put into it and this is even more true for doctoral studies. So my biggest piece of advice would be for you to find a program and school with which you feel comfortable and then commit yourself. Otherwise said, even if you go somewhere that you feel is highly accredited beyond all others, if you are not fully comfortable there for whatever reason you most likely will not be a success at your studies. Doctoral studies are a long haul and you have to be prepared for that. And that means you have to be at a place where you feel you fit into its culture and mode of operation, and only you can make that determination.

Good Luck,
Dr. Henderson




Dr Henderson is the Dean of Students at SMC apparently.


And he chanced upon this website and this thread at just the time when it was needed... I hope the OP is happy with all the information they have received...


Is it just me who finds the name 'Professor Bouillon' funny?


No it's not just you ogriv!!!! And how about the other one, Professor Lube? Tee hee hee!!!! :-)