Hello all, having sucked all of the juice out of come dine with me, and being without Virgin TV and, hence, America's Next Top Model, my latest procrastinantion and relaxation gambit is playing sonic the hedgehog on my mobile phone. I have reached the stage where I really needs some tips about the second zone, which I have just started accessing, through my dedication, skill and extra special thumb action.
So! I get to this second zone - the one after the green zone (it seems to have something to do with romans and volcanoes) and I keep hitting two dead ends, can't get past this big, tall brick wall or a dungeon area with a moveable square thing, which also has a dead end.
Any ideas on ways forward at this stage of the sonic game? It's getting quite frustrating, and I keep having to end the game because I'm stuck, although I am really pleased that I can now overpower the flying alien with the nasty ball and chain action.
Thanks in advance!
p.s. I hope my conscience can live with this kind of collusion and I hope it doesn't taint my sense of achievement, however, I have become desperate.
I thought, as people are discussing mascara, I can ask about sonic...