OK, my turn. I knew this thread would come in handy Walminski. It's 5.15am here, and I've been lying awake in bed since 3.30am - the dreaded 3am insomnia. I'm currently working for a few weeks in the civil service, and a really good job has just come up - but I can't apply as I'm writing up till end June. So have been lying there, working out that if I did apply, and they were really slow in recruiting, then I might not have to start till end March - which is still 3 mths earlier than I can manage. I was supposed to finish my PhD by end Mar, and this would've been perfect!
Oh well, no point torturing myself. And I was going to get up at 6am anyway, as I need to finish off something that's due to my sup today, so here I am, tired (went to bed late too) and about to start writing, then off to my office job for the day.
It's going to be a looooong day......