Hi there,
I'm working on some data (with a professor I've collaborated with in the past). The stats I need to do are pretty complex and so I'd dropped a line to an author of a stats book I'm using just asking him to clarify something (I often do this and usually get helpful replies from people). Anyway, he has very helpfully replied saying why don't we Skype and talk about it in more detail. I'm thinking, wow that is great and how nice of him. But then I'm also thinking since he would be giving his time to help me perhaps the expectation or implication would be that he becomes a collaborator on the project. I may be getting ahead of myself here, but the reason I am being cautious is that I wouldn't want to initiate something like that when it isn't my data and it is a joint project in collaboration with someone else. I'd have to ask my collaborator - but doing that now wouldn't be appropriate when it might not even come to that! So in a nutshell - I emailed this person asking for some general stats help based on a chapter in his book - he seems to want to help which is great - but I am worried that I might end up stepping on toes by meeting on skype and actually getting his input on the analysis. Help?
I hope this makes sense and I would appreciate any thoughts from those more experience than I am in this world of collaborations and potential collaborations.