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what are people up to for the summer


The undergrad semester and teaching for the year is coming to an end - last year my uni turned into a bit of a ghost town -esp August when tumble weed blew across the campus and the rest of the academic community apart from me and a few other sad indviduals vanished

Obviously H is getting wed but what are people planning for their summer? Is anyone taking any major time off, or going anywhere exciting?


I'm getting marrierd too! Then going to Eygpt for 10 days can't wait!
What about you?


oops sp Egypt i mean


I plan to:

a) continue working for cash and on PhD (though work will be slow sans students to borrow books)
b) nervously await the AHRC decision (the last time I am eligible to apply)
c) mourn the loss of my boyfriend to the USA for a month as he travels.
d) go to two conferences!


Summer? What summer?


work work work...!


errr that will be work work work here to


"work work work" for me too, just like the last 4 summers


I had all these vague notions of far flung places and writing up my thesis with a view and sound of the ocean over the summer - but alas it is but a day dream. Looks as if it'll be work for me too


I want to go somewhere for the month of August - in between submission and viva, but it probably won't happen...


i intend to get my drivers licence this summer. apart from that it will be work, too, but as i won't have a permanent home, i will be working at different places. hope that will turn out to be fun.