Whilst I don't miss the academic life, I do miss intellectual people who don't talk utter bo**ocks incessantly all day long about stuff they clearly know nothing about and think by saying it louder it makes it correct (oh, was that a sly dig at my colleagues by any chance?)
So where does one go to find intellectual stimulation? I mean, real life intellectual stimulation - as much as I love you guys and gals on here I crave a proper academic battle now and again. I have a friend who is a world expert genius on something or other and is great, but I cannot rely on one person alone. And I think the cat is bored of my ranting, though he did purr louder than usual when I was telling him about radical feminism the other evening.
Do I need to move back to a University town? Maybe that's the problem, there are no intellectuals here where I live. Maybe I should set up a website meetanintellectual.com ?
Humour me people, as you normally do, DanB loves you all :-x