Another day in the Lab , and Im getting to know my colleage i.e. Another PhD Student , He seems to know everything about everything. He doesnt act superior but his past experiences in organic synthesis reactions Pre-PhD at various laboratories- Pfizer, GSK and more, really make me feel inadequate as a new PhD Student! He knows so much practical stuff( laboratory related), Pre- Phd (He just started his PhD 4 months ago so he's kinda new!)
Being New, I have to lean on him and a few others to show me around.. and arrrgghh, I really dont like asking for help (Yes yes, Im getting over that! Kinda have to!)
Its just that , I know there is lots to learn , and that im up for, I love to learn, its just that its more stressful when your colleague who is the same age know so much more, and I fell like an Idiot around him!