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A follow up from "PhD probation"


Please read my "PhD probation" post to get the full gist of the whole situation, a brief background story is given at the end of this update just in case...

As of August 2012

Status Quo: Head down, chin up and all the amazing contributions from the forum have paid off!! All paper work changed when I pointed out the 3 month FT probation clause on the PhD handbook. Probation was reduced to 3 months. I also asked for clarifications as to the points listed on the probation and they altered them because I have already met some of the requirements. So the probation letter was altered three times with the last alteration a month to the end of the stated time of probation. 3 months after fulfilling what was required, no comments on submitted drafts, no replies to emails and no acknowledgement of reciept. I recently contacted my PG Dept to clarify my status...
1. Sups have not gone through my drafts
2. As of last week, only 14 pages of sumbitted 9 chapters (of at least 26 page per chapter) have been read by first sup only.
3. I am off probation status
The confusing part:
How can they decide to take me off probation when they have not gone through my work?

This discussion is open to you forumites please contribute


The background story...
In my university, PhD students are required to submit a yearly progress report (to monitor up to date PhD progress). In addition to the yearly report is a quarterly progress report where tasks are set by the sups for the student to achieve within a three to four month period. In my case, I had met all my targets which did not include the yearly report because it was not due in until 6 months after the last supervision I had.
However, nearing the due date of my yearly report, I sent a copy (via e-mail) to my sups in the summer so I could get their feedback and work on the report. they did not get back to me and I didn't have any supervision for three months. So after submitting my yearly report to my dept (which would have been assessed by a PG tutor and a head of Dept. My main sup called for a supervision meeting where we would have to agree on the tasks for the next few months. In this form, I would have to state whether or not I had received enough supervision in the last three months. I had ticked 'no' because I hadn't received any supervision in the last three month. My sup had ticked unsatisfactory, progress. He explained that I would have to resubmit my report to them (sups) instead of the dept. I did. Report was accepted without further amendment.
We had another supervision where he stated that I would have to submit two good chapters of my work by last week. I did. I went in today for supervision and feedback, but sups said they have to put me on probation starting Jan-Jun 2012. This is why I'm confused and want to hear from people who have been through this sort of situation. What does this mean? End of the road? I hope not!]


======= Date Modified 15 Aug 2012 10:43:40 =======
============= Edited by a Moderator =============
I hope someone can offer you some advice Phdstruck.