Hey everyone!
After my rather traumatic viva last week (albeit with a great outcome), I thought I would post a positive viva experience to reassure people facing their vivas that the process can be very different for different people. I didn't want to scare people by saying how difficult my experience was, but I didn't want to patronise anyone either by saying it had been a really easy couple of hours etc.
My best mate (from the same team as me) passed her viva this morning with minor corrections. The viva took just 40 minutes and was a very different experience than mine- the external asked all of the questions, with virtually no input from the internal, and was actually a reasonably pleasant experience for her. The questions were all pretty predictable and there were no questions that she hadn't been able to prepare for. It was pretty much by the book!
Just wanted to share that! We did a similar topic with a similar population, and had quite different questions and different corrections. Even though my viva appeared to be a lot rougher than hers, we have the same outcome- the experience really does seem to be created to a great extent by the examiners. For the record, she only spent a few days preparing for the viva, as she is now on a practitioner doctorate course so is pretty busy. And I'm delighted than my best mate and I can now celebrate together!
Best, KB