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Anyone doing their PhD as full-time distant students?


Hi. Recently I've been experiencing some difficulties with regards to getting access to research environments and resources. I've tried getting help by contacting other people who's already done or still undertaking their PhDs. However, I've never met anyone who is in the same situation as me. If you are a full-time PhD student working away from your University on your own, I would love to get in touch and share some views. My research is practice-based, but even if you are doing theory-only PhD, it would be nice to hear from you. Thank you...


I didn't get any replies, so I wanted to bump up the thread by replying to it.


It looks like I won't get any replies here. :-( Can anyone suggest any other forums I can ask this question? I tried the msn group from the chat link on this site, no replies over there either. Thank you...

Your situation isn't unique, so we're dissapointed that you've had no replies. You could try contacting the National Postgraduate Committee, they may well be able to help.


Hi, I am in a similar situation, but working at a very small research insitute where there are no others in my situation. I have little contact with others in my field other than attending conferences. I am doing a field work based study. I don't think I am as isolated as you are but having attended the university I am registered at for a couple of days it was a big shock and I realised how much you learn just from coffee room chats!


Thank you very much for the replies. I will try the npc site. / Yes I totally agree, chats over a coffee, even few words by bumping into your supervisor or someone from the department in the corridor makes a lot of difference. I was at the University on my first year, and I really miss being part of a research environment.


I was based in a hospital department for my PhD and was the only research student there. I can sympathise with your situation as it's so much nicer (and easier) to be able to work in a research rich environment where you can bounce ideas off other students and researchers, or just a moan about stuff with people who understand the situation!


Thank you Ann. If only there wasn't this much Bureaucracy involved, it would be easier to get access to resources at other Universities near me. / Freddy, is your PhD practice-based? How often do you go and see your supervisors? Have you tried getting access to resources at other universities, without being officially involved (i.e. without external supervisors at that institute, or only informal collaboration with another PhD student etc.)


Yes, I have the SCONUL card and I have joined a few libraries near where I live, and my University's library services and access to online journals aren't too bad. My biggest problem is to get access to computer labs, some devices that I cannot afford to buy, and the meeting rooms where I can arrange user-feedback exercises. I had to hire a room for the last one I carried out, and my university refuses to pay for any resources that they already have. But it is not possible for me to all the way to my university for everything, because one other thing I cannot claim expenses for is to travel to my university town from where I live. They are ready to pay for any other travel to other destinations. Very strange dilemma.


Is your research practice-based by any chance James? Do you have other arrangements with a university in Hong Kong, or are you working from home? Thank you for your reply by the way.