I am so tired I can barely function. I wake up in the middle of the night and can't sleep. Then I give myself a bit of a lie in but I'm still so tired and I have so much to do. In fact I had a dream last night (when I was asleep obviously) about a tidal wave engulfing me - I think that must be a metaphor for all the work mounting up. However in the dream I managed to survive so perhaps I should take note of this and not worry about drowning in my work. Has anybody else had any interesting dreams which relate to PhD stuff?
Not really ohd related, but last night I dreamt I came into work and someone had left a big box of biscuits on my desk. Needless to say I was dissapointed when I got to work this morning....
Hmmm both very interesting. golfpro, do you have a supervisor or other figure who has recently taken over from someone you prefer, or has someone who you enjoyed working with recently left and you wish they would return?
birdsandbees - your dream obviously means that you want more recognition for the work you are doing and the biscuits are a metaphor for the tangible praise you would like.
I seem to be permanently exhausted (falling asleep at 10pm and getting up at 9am), yet my productivity seems to be low, so I can hardly blame overwork!
I am very very tired--but I put this down to working too hard without a sufficient break---and am trying to ease back a bit where I can, by working less hours in the day, revising my plan of work for the day/week, and recognising my own limits! Dreams--I dream vividly, but seldom remember them upon waking, or for more than a few fleeting seconds but then they are gone.
Am soooooo tired!!! had surgery end of Jan, then moved house after searching for about 6 weeks – last week on Tuesday,( was obviously looking for something cheap!). Place was not in the best of condition- had to remove wall paper and paint. After wards my computer started playing up, making some funny noise (my friend asked the other day on the phone- what’s that which sounds like a boat engine in the background!) we had a good laugh when I told her it was the computer (got someone to have a look & they couldn’t figure out the prob- anyone out there who knows what it may be?). For wanting colour to cheer me up I had asked my brother to spray paint my lap top for me then his house was broken into and the laptop was stolen among his other things. the lap top wasn’t insured. am too broke to buy a new one. at the same time I cant sit on the desk top one cause the sound gives me a headache. I have since resorted to coming campus so that I can just use a computer in peace.
on top I have a part time teaching post in FE, its driving me crazy- feeling like a hypocrite cause of all the nonsensical targets and success rates. right now am working on my interview schedules and the ethics form is hanging over my head. I am tired to be honest but am just trying my best to keep moving with a little rest here and there
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