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Anyone up?


I'm doing an all-nighter and attempting to write my lit review, but I feel completely overwhelmed by it. Anyone else up?
ps HUGE mug of coffee keeping me company if not...


Good luck!!!! Hope the lit review writing goes well and enjoy a big sleep in the weekend :)


Thanks! I've suddenly realised how many notes I've made that say 'look this up' or 'review this book' or 'research further' and it's way too late for that...




I'm up for no real reason whatsoever.

I'm writing a historical/theoretical mapping of the flaneur. A brief overview has turned into 3000+ words. And I'm not sure if its even related to my thesis. But I'm reading new theorists/historians so its all good. More strings to the bow for when I introduce a proper men and masculinities module/research area in whatever uni employs me.


Yes I'm up. Aspies just love studying and studying :-x


I'm wondering at what time biscuits would be appropriate - I'm thinking 3ish.
I can't write Lit Reviews, they're just too overwhelming for someone like me who doesn't plan! I'm hoping it'll all fall together somehow. This is probably just 2am delirium.

Writing about the flaneur sounds fun! Reminds me of happy days studying C19th French Art.