Hello everyone,
I have been a self-confessed lurker on this site for a while now but decided today's the day I come out of hiding!
This is basically a plea for help with my data collection. I am third year PhD in psychology, due to submit in Sept. All was going swimmingly until I had 2 organisations that had previously agreed to allow me access to potential participants pull out of the agreement. To cut a (very) long story short, the police and a large cancer charity had both agreed to promote my study and assist me with recruitment but very late in the day changed their minds, hence I am now having a complete meltdown.
My research is looking at the psychological impact of stressful or traumatic life events or other emotional upheavals. Part of the final study of the thesis is an online questionnaire and I was wondering whether the good people of this forum might be willing to take part.
Qualifying events include, but are not limited to, unexpected bereavement, serious illness or injury, witnessing or being involved in a car accident, being the victim of a serious crime, being physically or sexually assaulted, traumatic relationship breakdown, or witnessing a loved one experience any of these events (e.g. a parent or child diagnosed with a serious illness). You do not have to currently be experiencing distress to take part - if you have experienced any of these events, even if feel you have recovered from the experience, I would like to hear from you.
The study is completely anonymous, strictly confidential and has had full approval from my institute's ethics committee. You can exit the study at any time. It should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
If you would be willing to take part, or would like to know more, go to http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KRHGGQH
Many many many thanks in advance,