EndNote ... but only up as far as version X ... Version XI seems to be buggy (but that could be fixed by now).
Enquire at your college if there is a training program running - if you don't, many of the simpler tasks would be difficult.
Also, if using Endnote, update ALL information available to each article (including downloading the article and then linking to the relevant Endnote record). After a while (a few weeks) it'll be second nature.
Another tip (well, what I do) is if I print an article and have it stored in Endnote, I put the Endnote record # on the hard copy. I then store them in that fashion i.e. in numerical order. If you are using Endnote to search thro' abstracts and notes using the Search functionality, all you need to do then is get the relevant record # and see if you have already printed it.
Good luck with the research and ta for the advise earlier. (up)