i really hated the thought of getting up this morning to face my thesis again. i can't really say i'm hating it right now, coz i have a clue of my argument, but there are those times when its all too much.
i also have that issue of reading too many papers and trying to put it all down and obviously not remembering much when am writing. i find that if someone asked me about it tho, i'd be able to explain it. my problem is remembering where i saw it.
i've decided to overcome that by incorporating each paper into my thesis as soon as i read it and then sorting the whole mess later. hope that works.
i just submitted some work. am kinda relieved, though its obviously not good work (coz its half done in the way of deep analysis which is only present in the first half). preparing for my sups harsh comments. anyways, the way i see it, its better than nothing.