Hi Button.
I would read and think intersubjective norms.. symbolic interactionism ... social constructionism..
From that viewpoint i would interpret 'consensus information' as information presented during the current context, nonconciously provided by the actor and interpreted by the observer.
i'm trying to think of an example... and here's what comes to mind..
i have a perception of how a footballer behaves, i act in this way, as an observer you have your perception of how a footballer behaves too. We come to a consensus, via meeting somewhere between my perception and your perception of how a footballer behaves and agree in that context that i am acting as footballer.
That's the consensus - meeting somewhere in between our nonconcious perception.
Information - is the actors behaviour, their agency which links the two.
Does this make any sense at all ?
If not.. i'll say - i have no idea what that means ;-)