JoJo: My supevisor still isn't interested but I insisted on a new project at the end of year 2 as needed results and wasn't getting them from the other work. I've written most my PhD, I'm in my 4th year of a 3-year funded PhD and I think I'm an average writing up time. I try and manage my supervisor: go to him with a list of questions I've prepared, and I wrote our supposedly joint reports so he could just look through. I gave my literature review to a collaborator to read (more knowledgable in the area) as could see my supervisor possibly wasn't even going to read it. I've found a young supervisor who will chat about my confidence issues, who've I seen twice for a pep talk on writing up. There's a helpful postdoc now who I can take problems too. My supervisor is someone who leaves you to work it out for yourself sink or swim.
I've no papers and feel I know nothing, but I'm learning as I write up (which makes it feel like a mammoth task).