Hey guys, Just wondering if you could advice me on this one..
I have been offered a PhD position for a University in US that is not all that great, ranking wise.. it falls in the third tier.. however, the supervisor seems really helpful and encouraging, and the area of research is similar to what I am interested in.. Do you think I should go for it? Does it matter where you carried out your PhD studies when it comes to getting a Post-doc or a job?
On the other hand, there are some Institutes in Europe where I hav applied, which are a lot more reputed, however I am yet to get a response from them so I am not sure if I will get in.. but if i do.. What should I base my choice on??
I think your choice should be based on the supervisors' qualities, resources available to you and the funding. The university's ranking and reputation is not that important when it comes to PhD studies. Your research is yours, you will shape and defend it, not your institution.
Do you have to give your answer to this US university now? Can you not wait a bit more and see if you have other offers.. then do a pros and cons list to decide?
Swapzz ... Forget the uni's status (as 404 said, that isn't as important when doing your PhD - it's your research that counts and getting the bit of paper at the end of the process!). Hold out and see what other offers come in, and go for who you think is the most supportive supervisor (which is sooo important) and where you think you'd be most happiest living/working.
Matthew ... do you not check www.jobs.ac.uk??? (Bursaries are updated on a daily basis)
Choice of a PhD seems to be most importantaly the supervisor. If the super is well known in your area of study, that will be more important than the university. Sometimes a department and supervisor are more well known in your area than the school.
After that, consider whether the school has the resources to do the work (classes, funding etc).
If it helps I have a blog on this issue choosing between a Eur vs a North American PhD.
hey matthew.. what is ur area of research, if u dont mind me asking? I have actually been looking at websites and forums specific to my subject and subscribing to sites like nature, newscientist (mainly for science students) .. dats where i hav found most relevant vacancies.. none of the UK job sites helped actually.. also, am not from the EU so am not actually eligible for any of the fellowships in UK.. There are more prospects in Scandinavia and US... depends on ur field though..
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