Hi I know this is going to sound really silly, but I was reading an article which gave advice to prospective PhD students which said the best advice they could give was to choose a PhD with a good supervisor before thinking of other things like interest in the topic and future career. However I think its really difficult to know how a supervisor is going to be before you actually work under them. I mean you could ask other students in the lab but how do u know they awill give you n honest answer. You could also look at their publications, how well they are known in the field e.t.c and whilst this is good it wont actually tell you about their ability to supervise. Any Ideas
I think its good to start with a bit of introspection. Once you are clear about how you work, then you can identify the sort of supervisor that will be 'best' for you. And you will be able to ask specific questions (of them or their current students) about how they work. e.g. do you like to get on by yourself and only show something when you've got a polished piece of work, or do you like to talk things over and get feedback as you go along? So would a good supervisor be one who waits for you to come to them and doesnt harrass you, or one who pops into the lab every day to ask how things are and insists on regular meetings every week?
Oh, and gut feeling is good too. in the interview, you are interviewing them as much as them interviewing you, and if it just doesnt feel right (or v.v.), then I'd go with that feeling.
Everything is different in each university throughout the land, but from what I have found, in humanities, at least, the supervisor selects the applicant and not the other way round.
Hi Shanghaichica,
Maybe look at it the other way round; If you superviser and you really do not get along (clash of personalities) it will be very difficult to do any research even if the subject is very interesting and you are going towards a few (several) unpleasant years ahead. In my opinion things should go hand in hand: thus you should have a supervisor who is OK and and a subject which is OK, not more nor less. Before starting anything you could discuss the research proposal, see how the supervisor is like. Do not close down to quickly, if you really don't not like him or her maybe better to orientate somewhere else, obviously if possible
but the thing is, rick ,you won't be able to discern the supervisor's personality firstly during a chat. Until you work with him/her and the research process starts rolling, you'll never know..... He/she may look very kindhearted to you at first sight but the nightmare only starts later.....
Hi sourapple,
you are obviously right that people may be very pleasant and kind at first, yet when you actually wortk with them is can be awful. On the other hand if you immediately (or relatively quickly) have the impression that things will not work, in my opinion best not to embark on it. I am aware this is not always easy or possible
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