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contact with sup


hi all,

was wondering how do u contact your sups? For those well into it, how often really do u email? and for those just starting, same question, how've you been contacting email? if so how often and really what about?


I see my main supervisor knocking about everyday.. but only really talk to him about work every couple of weeks when we have a scheduled update meeting..

My industrial supervisors i speak to them every few months when it is time to see them for an update.


I have 3 sups. One I see once a week, but as a research group rather than specific to my project (though I can talk to her about stuff if I need to) My main sup I see when I need to. It probably works about abotu once a month, and I arrange meetings by calling his PA as emails tend to disappear! My other sup I see once a month, and we arrange these meetings at the previous one. I have more contact with his post doc, without whom I don't know where I'd be!


I'm writing up now. I see my sup about 2-3 times/year and we don't email except to arrange those meetings. No, I don't think it's enough but I've got used to it.