My recruitment had a variety of people. I was focusing specifically on men in Australia, but while I would get more than 50 responses to my advertisements, only 20 men actually volunteered to be interviewed.
I would think that the study would be skewed by postgraduate student input, but if the surveys actually have an option to keep track of the demographics, you write about that and can use it to your advantage.
For example, everyone who participated in my study were Anglo-Caucasian. Which wasn't my intention, but those were the men who volunteered. So in my thesis I make a point to say that it is through an anglo-celtic lens, and therefore not representative of all men in Australia. I reflect on this and use this in my limitations, as well as in my conclusion when discussing future research avenues.
No data is 'bad' data, or at least in social sciences. It's about interpretation and framing of your results.