Yes, I did! I was just finishing for the night and then my room decided to shake, rattle and roll. I've heard it was 4.7 on the ol'Rickter scale. Didn't like the sensation one little bit. Imagine if it was a really powerful earth quake though? Would be terrifying.
Yes I had the same experience! I think the rattling in my case was the central heating pipes.
I guessed it was an earthquake because I was woken by the one in 2002, so the first thing I did was check the time. Lo-and-behold, when I switched on the TV this morning, news reports galore.
I found a note outside my door from my housemate telling me I'd slept through the entire thing, while she'd been awake & terrified!
It really scared me! I didn't know what it was...I woke up with a jolt and heard massive clanging from the radiator. My first thought was that someone was kicking the door in. Then the birds started cheeping like nutters.
The family underneath me ran out in the back yard, but they talk Chinese so I didn't know what was going on till my friend texted me this morning.
I'm embarrassed to admit I slept with the light on all night after that...
I think there were two tremors--the first woke me enough to be awake ( though groggy) for the second--I thought at first it was Bleak Towers swaying in a high wind or tornado!--but then woke up enough to realize it was not that, and it was an earthquake. I waited when it was done to see what would happen--but all was quiet--no sirens, no mass exits--so I went back to sleep.
i slept right through it, too.
earthquakes are quite rare in england. but then england gets more than half of all european hurricanes, so that's fair enough. in some other european countries earthquakes are quite regular. we had several a year that should have been possible to feel/notice. but i never did
we even produce our own, back in switzerland. scientiest experimented with getting geothermal energy from deep shafts or something, and set off a series of earthquakes that caused considerable damage...
really scary stuff. I awoke first hearing a loud bang like something had crashed into the house, I woke my husband who sleepily said "don't sorry, probably birds in the loft" I was about to say "bloody big birds!" then the vibrating and rumbling noise came again, he woke up then! we both sat bolt upright in bed - it went on for several seconds and literally the whole house shook.
My first thought was that there were burglars in the house trashing everything! Earthquake didn't even occur to me until I went downstairs to investigate and saw people out on the street in their dressing gowns.
Shani, home made earthquakes? That's ace! Mind you aren't the Swiss also planning to create an artifical black hole with that new particle accelerator
I was so relived this morning to hear it was "only" an earthquake. I really thought someone was breaking in. Should have guessed cos I remember the last one.
Yes, I thought it was the neighbours a) 'getting down' or b) knocking on the wall to shut my music up, loudly!!
The whole wall shook.
I do have to admit that one of the muddled thoughts that ran through my brain was that there was a real poltergeist in my room! When I thought of it being an earthquake, it seemed like that should be followed by SOMETHING--car alarms going off, sirens, some sort of activity, but there was nothing--so that left me somewhat befuddled about whether in fact it HAD been an earthquake--another thought that occured to me was that it was the concussion from some kind of huge blast...but again the lack of reaction made me wonder!
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