Finishing a masters (science related), accepted for a PhD in pharmaceutical economics (non-science related)at U Maryland, full funding+stipend.
Received a job offer.
No, a PhD has not been a life dream, actually it became an option after starting my masters. I have spoken to people in industry that tell me a PhD is exceptionally beneficial, and that I will only go so far with a masters. Obviously there are exceptions, but what do you guys think ?
I am newly married, and geographic location does not matter. So, obviously taking a job now would be great financially.
I dislike scientific research (LAB) but have never performed health outcomes research (regressions, etc), so I have no clue if I will like it. Is the obvious answer not to accept the PhD?
I am worried I may not like this aspect of the Pharma industry, or perhaps I will love it, and have a great career because of this decision...looking for some perspectives please.
Oh, FYI, I have never worked, been in academia pursuing my masters and bachelors for the last 6 years. So, while the job is in the field Im interested in, I do not have experience.