My science PhD thesis comprised 7 chapters,
Introduction, methodology and design, exp 1 leading to exp 2 leading into exp 3
and then finally to exp 4. Lastly, I had my discussion chapter. I found that in
each experimental chapter I came to a discussion and potential conclusion but
with the result leading into the next experimental chapter. The discussion was
shorter in each chapter and very specific to the finding but expanded upon in
the final discussion. The final discussion chapter was structured as follows:
what I found, what exp 1 meant, what exp 2 meant, what exp 3 meant, what exp 4
meant and then a final relating this to the initial hypothesis including
potential further work. In each discussion section on the individual
experiments, I included any weaknesses/justifications in the findings, how it
relates to others work, so really putting the findings into context. Hope this
helps, but probably not explained that well due to a long 13 hr day at work