Done! Submitted :-)


Hi everyone, my thesis submitted yesterday!
I feel so relieved--a great burden off my shoulders--
next -- the viva!!!

does any one have any tips for viva?
love satchi

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Congrats satchi!!

I look forward to this day, probably in the next couple of the months.

Good luck with your viva!

Trin x


Well done!

Tips for viva:
1/ write down all possible questions you might be asked, and then all the answers you should give
2/ rehearse in your mind a good viva - this can help reduce nerves
3/ do a mock viva with your supervisor, and another person if possible.

Good luck.


Congratulations Satchi! Best of luck for the viva!


Congrats :)

I second what metabanalysis said. The part of my preparation which helped me most was the mock viva with my boyfriend also asked me random questions from the list of questions I had (e.g. what are you most proud of, what is the work's weakness etc.) is not to answer exactly as on the sheet but more to get used to answering questions. And also prepare your presentation well if you have to (see how long it needs to be...but I would suggest shorter is better...mine was planned for around 15mins but then took around 10mins cos I was stressed so forgot stuff I should have said but it was OK anyways)...Best wishes


PS...depends on how long you have till your viva I would suggest to RELAX! take a something else :) I had about 8 weeks between submission and viva...took a 1 week holiday at the start and l did not look at my thesis for the 1st 4 weeks or so (was also looking for jobs during this time). I had my lists of questions and answers done and my presentation done at the start and then took a break from it :)

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Congratulations Satchi-wonderful news and well done! :) Best of luck with Viva-(I'm sure you will be great).


Congratulations Satchi! I'm happy for you. Good luck with the viva!


well done. Good luck with preping for your viva. :-)


Well done and I'd agree with the advice already given. Another resource that I used was Interviewer Viva CD/ DVD (I think that's what it was called) from my uni. You get it up and running, introduce it to your webcam and then it asks you to choose an interviewer/ examiner from a choice of four. He/ she asks you a generic viva question and then it records your answer which you can view back. Is totally cringeworthy but helpful. Lots of different questions on different aspects of phd. Good luck!

Well done!! Congratulations Satchi!
(Looking forward to this day...!!)

Now best of luck with you viva! :-) xx


hi everyone, thank you so much!

love satchi


Oh wow congratulations satchi!!
I hope I can join you in submitted land in a couple of months.

Deadline of Mine is 22 Aug. You can really enjoy your holiday!


Elsie--thank you so much

john--thanks john! yes I hope to enjoy my little break away from working on the thesis---although I know I still have to "work" on it (for the viva!), I don't do very well on holidays--I get withdrawal symptoms when I'm on holiday. During masters I went on a summer holiday by myself but I couldn't relax and was constantly anxious, wow what a nightmare.

Maybe a lot of people are like this---especially students--anyway I hope to ease myself out of this awful holiday-withdrawal-symptom-syndrome!!!

thanks again
love satchi