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Hey, i was just reading thro the forums when i came across the statement that the DPhil is different from the PhD. someone tell what what exactly the difference is? thot they were essentially the same.


They are the same Sussex and Oxford give dphil others give Phd the word "phd" came from the usa

They are the same - where did you find the bit that said they were different?


i found the suggestion that they were different on one of the threads in this forum. not more than ten threads below. i think it was about how to get a PhD at oxford, or was it an interview..and someone replied saying that we should note that at Ox the degree is a DPhil not a PhD..that left me mystified.

Look again at that message - written by one "Ms D Meanour" (say it quickly) the implication was they might offend the Oxford Dons if they called the degree by the wrong name.

This is the problem with a forum for PhD students it tends to attract more than its fair share of pedantic and sarcastic answers (no offence Ms D Meanour).


Gotcha! thot we were all equal. tru that..some still feel that they are more equal that others. Guys, a doctorate is a doctorate- no matter where you get it from- what matters is whether you can prove yourself in the real world. ya?


what's a DSc?

A DSc (Doctor of Science) or a DLitt (Doctor of Literature) and a number of other such doctorates are all Honary Degrees. They are awarded at the discretion of a university. Usually to academics within a university or previous graduates they represent an acknowledgement of an outstanding contribution of that person to his or her field. Except for celebrity awards, given for PR purposes, they are usually only given to people who already hold a PhD (or DPhil!!).