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Have a quick endnote query. I have been using it throughout my writing and have just realised I may encounter a problem later on. I have been writing in different documents (which is ok, as I know when I put it all together and click 'update bibliography' endnote will work its magic and the references will be good).

However, What I am struggling on is when I have referred to the same sets of authors across different documents, so Smith, Jones and Tim (2009), obviously need to be referred to as Smith et al after the first time. What I am struggling with is that I will have references out of the brackets e.g. Smith et al (2009) as opposed to (Smith et al 2009). How will I know if they have been cited before when I combine the documents??? Is there a way of changing all the references back to not excluding the author's name so I can check?? rather than doing each manually?


Sneaks - excuse the ignorance, but a bit unsure about what exactly you are trying to do? Is it a case that you want to see all the authors in the reference, no matter when they are reference? If you could put a specific example on the board it might be helpful i.e. a short bit of text. Is it so that you can differentiate between two possible Smith et al (2009)'s?

In the meantime, you could go to "Edit" , "Output Styles", select the style, click on "Edit" and then change the settings so all authors appear then. If it is just a case that the docs are for internal use, you could use Numbering output style for the moment.

sorry was a bit confusing. I basically, for example have 2 documents.

document 1) I have used the reference Smith Jones and Tim (2009) and then have used et al after the first time

Document 2) I have used the reference Smith Jones and Tim (2009) and then have used et al after the first time

I want to combine documents 1 and 2. BUT there will be instances where I used the original (Smith jones and Tim, 2009) rather than et al (because it was at the first time I used it, in document 2). So when I combine the docs, i am guessing I will have to manually search through to make sure they are correctly cited as et al, not the full reference!

This sounds minor but I have hundreds of the same references across about 10 documents (so far!).


Sneaks - I am nearly certain that EndNote takes care of this. I know for certain that it does it if both are in the same document ... below is a quick test (one is marked a and the other b). I would recommend that wherever you are referring to a reference, put in the citation to tell one from the other and then go back and type in a or b when you want to get rid of the citation. I don't know if this is complicated by having seperate chapters as different Word docs. Any help? I know it still means that you have to delete citations, but at least you know which one relates to which document. Sorry if a bit confusing and if really stuck, go onto the Endnote forum on the Thompson website.

Any text with an * is just a case of "Insert Selected Citation(s)" and % is where I typed it
He said this (Schuman, 2006a*) and then (Schuman, 2006b*). But then this could be false (Zhang et al., 2005a*). The findings of Zhang (2005a%) are supported by another paper, in which he then states x+y (Zhang et al., 2005b*)

SCHUMAN, E. (2006a) Tesco's UHF RFID Troubles.
SCHUMAN, E. (2006b) Wal-Mart, Metro Give Blanket Support for RFID Gen 2.
ZHANG, L., LEE, M. K. O., ZHANG, Z. & BANERJEE, P. (2005a) Critical success factors of enterprise resource planning systems implementation success in China. System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on, 10.
ZHANG, Z., LEE, M. K. O., HUANG, P., ZHANG, L. & HUANG, X. (2005b) A framework of ERP systems implementation success in China: An empirical study. International Journal of Production Economics, 98, 56-80.

Sorry - I mean the same reference, but using it in 2 documents, which will eventually be combined. Its more about when I have called it et al. in the text (i.e. not inside the brackets - which endnote controls).


after combining the documents, "Update Citations and Bibliography" function should clean things out. Perhaps it might be a good idea to test your scenario, by creating 2 simple mock documents to see what happens. I still haven't merged my chapters but I am assuming some manual work is inevitable.

Update bibliography and citations will work with everything inside the brackets. But when I have 'exclued authors' and therefore in the text written ET AL (or not) that will not be updated, unless I go through all the references where i have 'excluded authors' and make sure they are correct in the text too. :-(