So I'm applying for a second Masters (!!!!) as there's some funding I've heard about and my current MSc isn't ESRC-accredited. And I'm doing the personal statement on the application form.
They've said between 1000 and 1500 words, and despite the fact that I'm usually the sort of person that can bang on forever, I've only been able to generate 882 words about myself! What's gone wrong?
Have done paragraphs along the themes of Introducing Myself, Strengths/Interests, Academic Background/Interests, Ambitions/Research Interests, Purpose and Objectives of undertaking graduate study.
It's very strange that I can't come out with more, as I'm a mature student with two and a half degrees already and a long working life - I've included all this and still it's short. I just hope that this means I've honed a 'quality over quantity' personal communication style.
What do others think? Shall I pad it out with My Earliest Childhood Memory or My Most Embarrassing Moment? Or leave well alone? :-x