Hi everyone, I am nearing completion and now in search of external examiner. I am very scared at the moment. I gave a few names to my supervisors. They did select the one but they do not know the examiner. I had some correspondences with her (the one sups selected) sometime back regarding presentations in the int. conferences she chaired. In this regard, she knows little bit of my work but unfortunately in both the instances I could not present due to some personal reasons. I am bit worried that she might have a negative feeling towards me due to this. When I told my sups about this, they started laughing and asked me to take things easily. Still, this thought comes in my mind and I feel very bad. My question: Is it important that sups know the examiner personally? Is it better had I met her or known her before? Her work is very close to mine and I have quoted her at several occasions in my thesis. This is also the reason that I do not want to go for other options. But, I am confused. Please suggest.
Hi swetchha its not a big worry. But still i suggest you to go and meet her and try to have a communication in a other ways. then every thing will come normally.
its all about understanding!!! 've a good day. Take it easy.
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I wouldn't worry too much. The fact you didn't present shouldn't be a factor at all as being unable to present due to prior commitments/personal reasons is just one of those things.
My supervisor chose my examiners - he knew the external vaguely and new the internal reasonably well. I had never met either of them before the day of my viva, I was familiar with the external's work - that was about it. They were both fine and my viva was not the stressful event that I thought it was going to be. I don't think it is essential to know your examiners as long as they have a relevance to your work.
Thanks Adamsmith111 for your suggestion. I tried to meet her but she did not respond. So, my sups said not to send any emails and they would contact on their own. I wish I had met her before. But, its not possible now. Anyway, keeping my fingers crossed and wish she will turn to be a nice external. Thanks for your response. :)
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