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fat ass


does sitting down and studying ALL the time give you a fat ass? I worried because I have a really pert behind and I'm afraid the studying posture us going to cause my ass to flop over the edges of the seat!!!!

hmm, let me take a look...............................

perhaps, although I can't prove causality. It may be my 'fat ass' caused me to be diligent in studying all day.

How about sitting on a swiss ball so you are constanly flexing your core muscles and potentially you bum too!


I find this question really funny! :-) No I dont think sitting down and studying all the time gives us a FAT ASS!

have you seen those Space-retro balls, what do they call them, those bouncing ones with handles, maybe you can get one and sit on that instead :-)

I keep my luxuriously large bottom pert with lots of walking; but, yes, I thinking sitting all day does contribute to the chubby factor.


I don't think it's the sitting down so much, I think it's a lack of exercise and being sedentary in general which causes students to put on weight, including on the bum. So - do some exercise to keep the weight down. I've discovered cycling is also excellent for toning the behind.

A study also came out this week, widely reported in the media here, that watching lots of TV reduces your life span. 'Ha', I thought smugly, 'won't affect me, I'm virtuous and study all the time, and don't watch crap tv'. But no, turns out it's not watching TV per se - it's being sedentary. Can't win! Studying is good for warding off Alzheimers, now we find we lose anyway! So - move around, get up and take breaks at least.

Well, I spend much of my life alternating between studying, marking, watching TV and sleeping, so I am clearly doomed.

Well, I spend much of my life alternating between studying, marking, watching TV and sleeping, so I am clearly doomed.


Thanks for everyones tips, I will incorporate them into my study routine!!!!!! :-) Satchi I think it's called a space-hopper, I should know I used to have one when I was a child, gonna get one now!! I'm so paranoid I've been flexing my bum muscles everywhere, even when talking to people! can't do it that much though sitting on my ass and studying ALL DAY LONGGG!! :-(


I wouldn't worry about having a fat arse - unless it's actually space-hopper shaped. Latest fat arse research indicates that it is healthy to have a fat arse (so the reports in the media say). Apparently when fat is liberated from your bum, it doesn't realise the damaging, inflammatory chemicals that are released when fat is broken down from other areas of your body.

Great! I'm onto winner...


you know something, all this talk about fat asses :-)
I feel like buying a space-hopper and bounce around on it! I do have some space in my flat, it would be so nice.
I also heard that they use this in exercise classes for old people, it must be useful.

Well, will post back when I have done some research (on where to buy) and after I have bought it!!!!! :-)


hhaaha me and u satchi, gonna work out brains and behinds!!

Sumo one looks coool!!8-)


BARNY!!!! thanks for the link! i'm going to see how much!!!!


Barny; the horsey one costs just £3 more; but looking at the party video the horse head just flops up and down, doesn't look very nice. Are you getting one as well? :-)


This discussion reminds me of an old one about does a phd make you ugly and discussion with other phd'ers in my department confirms weight gain as a consequence of too many nice biscuits and cakes in the office (especially when they are swedish death by chocolate which is just butter, chocolate and sugar).

sorry but true especially when now spend almost all day in front of a computer typing a thesis