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Fed up!!


Am in my writing up period and have lost the plot! Haven't even opened the file in two months as I have writers block and beginning to panic. Have chained myself to desk and still nothing! Supervisors useless! Help!


Hi Laura, I'm writing up too and have very tight submission deadline (before Christmas!) so know that panicky feeling well. Try to break the thesis down into manageable sections, it's less daunting that way and you get a sense of achievement on completing each bit. Try to write something everyday, even if it's just a paragraph or two or a plan for your next chapter. The more you write, the easier it becomes. Good luck!


Know the feeling. In exactly the same position. There is a possibility I might have to go into continuation (horror of horrors, esp that I'll have to pay them!) Why don't you try and come onto the chat line when we're on? At least you might get some moral support. I know it's a lonely business and that doesn't help motivation. Anne is right, looking at the whole picture is likely to set you off into a blind panic, just do small sections at a time.


Finished mine last year in March. All in all, took nearly 8 months! Best advice anyone ever gave me during that time was keep writing. sounds stupid, but somehow it helped. you will have days and weeks that are totally unproductive, but then suddenly you may get loads done in just a couple of days. take breaks and see your friends. chaining yourself to your desk-waste of time.might as well go on holiday to Spain for a few days-you will be much more productive when you get back. wish i had done that! Good luck. Keep writing.


Hi, I know the feeling. im considering super glueing my self to the seat. I only started to make progress in the last 2 weeks or so. Spent two months before that staring at computer. I hope its going better for you now. Just keep trying and remember your not alone. It is difficult but hang in there.