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Feeling guilty all the time


Hi guys,

I am currently doing a PhD. part time in telecommunications while working on a full time basis as a network engineer.

This is my third year, and I can't avoid to feel guilty about not doing enough at all times.
Regardless, how tired I feel at the end of each working day, I manage to always give good solid 4-5 hours to my PhD. My progress has been quite good, as I have managed to finish one journal article and two conference papers and I am right now working on my second journal paper. Last year was a really good and productive year, and I always felt very motivated.
This year though has been pretty average, as I have not been able to succeed in finding a solution on a specific problem I am working now (related to my second journal paper).
Unfortunately, when Friday comes, I am extremely tired and I don't want to do anything PhD. related during the weekend. My supervisor is really good and he always sends me emails to give me some ideas and to know what's the status of the things I am working at the moment. The problem is that I believe he is expecting me to work during the weekends (he sends me emails on Sat and Sun). This is something that I did in the beginning (during my first year) but honestly, I am not willing to do anymore as I saw how this was affecting my relationship with my wife and also my health.

I have even stopped going to the gym in the mornings (during the last month) in order to dedicate to my PhD. two more hours per day before work.

When I see one of my supervisor's emails during the weekend can't stop feeling really guilty because I got the perception my supervisor is thinking more about my problem than myself and that I should stop resting and that I should go back to my studies immediately.

Any advice would be really appreciated.



HI friend,

I have similar conditions. This feeling always comes and goes.
last year I used to go swimming early morning before starting my study. However, now I think it was not a good idea. it took my morning time and made me tired for the rest of the day. now I changed my exercise time to evenings or nights. It works much better for me.

I work 6 days and rest on Sundays. Believe me! I still feel guilty on Sundays! HA!
It's 3 weeks that I am sick after a long time of hard working and making myself exhausted.
Don't push yourself to do PhD works beyond your natural abilities. A PhD student needs to rest, exercise and have good food to be survived..

Good luck!


Stop checking your emails at the weekend. Seriously, everyone needs down-time. You choose the weekend to chill - that's cool.

Get back in the gym routine - you need that. Healthy body, healthy mind. Seriously, that is essential.

Best of luck.


I am in a similar situation right now. I feel guilty if I do not work at least few hours day irrespective of week day or weekend. The only thing I make sure is that I rest well enough during weekend. I love cycling, but I have not even touched my 2 bikes for about 5 months!
Being a part time ph.d student, your progress has been good (you are working on your second journal article). If you have another year/few months to graduate, you could take a vacation for 2 or 3 weeks. Trust me, it works!


You are only doing the PhD parttime - 15 to 20 hours is fine!

I don't know how you manage to work fulltime and then do 4-5 hours work per evening but well done!

Definitely stop checking your emails at weekends.


Thank you very much for all your replies. They make me feel a little bit less guilty about my decision of resting during the weekends.

TreeofLife, I manage to put 4-5 (sometimes more) hours per day mainly because I have no kids :)
You are right, will try not to check my emails during the weekends.

Thanks again.