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Feeling the pressure-third year


Hi all, just wanted to have a bit of a rant really!

I'm in my 'final' year now and am starting to see the finish line- or at least when my funding runs out end of Sept- and have got myself into a panic! I've recently had supervison and I'm terrified now! I'm hoping to collect all my qualitative data by the end of March and make a start on my analysis as soon as I start getting data back (all of my quantitiative data will be finished and collected by end of December).

The thought of going into an extension year- year 4 is not an appealing thought at all! :( Although I am taking a year out before I start thinking about clinical training. Six months doesn't sound much at all! I'm trying to be positive that I've written over 80,000 words already- but from what my supervisors were saying, most of it will be cut, deleted and reduced and changed in line of new thoughts and developments. A soul destroying thought!!

I have to admit, I didn't think I'll get this far, and the thought of this all ending is a very very scary thought!



I am with you on this one. I had a meeting with my CASE partners on Tuesday and they were talking about getting everything finished and written up within the 3 years, so no pressure there! But on the plus side it is good to have them pushing for this deadline as it will force me to focus and get it all finished as i can't afford to extend into my 4th year really as I wouldn't be funded. Final year is a bit scary but on the plus side i will be able to go out and get a proper job and not have to worry about theses, update reports, pointless 'transferable skills courses' and the like any more!!


Set yourself strict deadlines - e.g. a chapter draft every couple of weeks. You'll say at first 'no way is that achievable', but its amazing how quickyl stuff comes out when you're working towards something and the end is in sight. Good luck!


Yep, it is a bit scary. I agree with Coastman, lots of deadlines that make you get stuff done before you actually *have* to have it done, plus getting regular feedback from your supervisors so you don't drop off their radar into some isolated pit of misery and panic. You've got lots to be working with if you've already written over 80,000 words - that's a good basis for refining your arguments etc, and it's normal to not use lots of it, it's part of the process. Sometimes I panic as I've only got a few months left, but that makes me freeze and do nothing which is completely counterproductive, so I try to use the panic to make me actually do some work instead. It's all we can do really, plus it will be so nice to finish!!! Keep at it and you'll get there!


Im totally relating, been completely cacking myself with moments of calm and moments of complete panic. I do not have 80,000 words written- if only I did! I feel like the worst PhD student in the world as the only people I read about are those who are just so good and disciplined. Have a thought for us meanderers!


Liminalplace, I'm a chronic meanderer actually, I seem to go through heavy productive phases followed by very slow ones where not enough of note gets done! I don't think I can work at that intense level all the time or I'd go a bit mad. I like to think a little bit of procrastination helps with the work-life balance or something! :-)


Quote From rubyw:

Liminalplace, I'm a chronic meanderer actually, I seem to go through heavy productive phases followed by very slow ones where not enough of note gets done! I don't think I can work at that intense level all the time or I'd go a bit mad. I like to think a little bit of procrastination helps with the work-life balance or something! :-)

Completely agree with Ruby!!!!!!! You have to maintain sanity and an ability to face the work every day. A word written is a word written....something is better than nothing, no matter how little that something seems to be on some days. I literally feel like my brain goes PFFFT in the middle of intense work in a day, and I have to take time out and let it rest.....and am surprised still how much seems to get done on those days..! Hang in there!


Forget about Sept. - if you keep worrying about it and it will distract you from the job at hand. Without sounding defeatist, just get rid of the whole idea of finishing in three years - you and particularly your supervisor will not hand up rushed work. That said, you will be amazed if you did focus on the completion (or at least initiation) of the smaller tasks, which form the some of the parts.
If you are finished your actual research in Dec., there's no reason to see why, if your supervisor is on board and is available to help, why you can't be significantly finished by Sept. though. As for the rewrites, thats taken for granted (I know someone who had to rewrite the whole thing 7 times) - just have to factor it in.
You have done a good load of work and will get your PhD - it just means continuing the effort for another while