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Festive campaign to remove irritating spelling!


I HATE THE ABBREVIATION "U"! It makes an intelligent individual read like a chav. So, in light of the festive season, I want to cheerfully ban all rubbish spelling (honest errors excluded), unnecessary acronyms and bad grammer.
Ho ho ho and a Merry Christmas


i might as well be thrown off this website if thats the case ;)


Ah, yes. Names don't count, so I'll generously permit you to stay . I will however, allow exceptions in return for a suitable bribe.


Hypothesis, you've banned yourself with your "grammer".


I hate people who don't know how to use commas .


I would like to join this campaign! All of the abbreviations ( is it called text talk?) make it look like a 5 year old is writing!


hangs head in shame, I don't use text language but my spelling and grammar is appalling
I do hate people putting 'xmas'. What exactly is a mass of 'X'?


Should it be "in THE light of"?


Oops. Fervent apologies to H regarding "grammer". I blame it on an appalling lack of coffee. And no sylvester, "in light of..." is correct. And yes, I know I just began (two) sentences with a conjunction...
In addition, I can share a useless "fact": Xmas is an abbreviation for Christ's mass, where X represents a Greek abbreviation of the word "Christ". So I'm told..


Mmmm so 'X' factor is really the 'Christ' factor?
I must admit on the rare occasion I have watched the auditions for 'X' factor the words 'Oh Christ' have escaped my lips.....there might just be something in it


Something which really annoys me, and I'm not too great with spelling or grammar myself, is when people spell "definitely" "definately" and "weird" as "wierd". I really need to get a life!


Personally, what annoys me more than anything else in this regard is 'Americanized' English spelling!


My computer keeps reverting to American English, no matter how often I set it to UK English. Hence lots of "colors" and "programs".


Juno, I've got just the solution you need: reprogram your computer with a brick.


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