Three months for me - not that I have done it yet but it can't take longer than that or I am out of time (gulp!)
maybe you are, depends on the subject and whether you need to sort out much. in my case (humanities, 110k thesis) it was 6 months. i had to sort a fair amount as i am no native english speaker, and then, there's always some little stuff to do.
full draft -> sups read it for a month or so -> implementing changes, 4months later -> sups need another month to read it. a final week to do last changes.
i'm probably on the longish end of it, but 2 or 3 months look tight (if it's humanities).
Mine would have just been a week or two if I didn't already have a job. My supervisors had seen and corrected all chapters before so there were just a few new bits to add and correct and that was it.
I will actually have less than three months taking into account that it has to be read, rewritten and printed. However, like Tree of Life, my supervisors have already read most of it in separate chapters.
I was about two months from first full draft to submission, including time for soft binding. My supervisors had read the chapters as they had been developed, so it was changes on how it flowed as a full document, taking out repetition and so on.
Two months is probably reasonable.
Mine was less than a week!
Supervisors looked at each chapter individually and never saw a complete full draft. I finished correcting final chapter and put it all together in the final week before submission.
At some point in my second year my [social science] supervisor told me that it was usually 9 months to a year from seeing a first full draft to submission. I remember thinking, that won't be me, that is an overestimation. She was dead on. From my first shitty draft to final product was a solid 9 months. Perhaps that is because I had a 'big book' thesis which meant that after writing all of my individual chapters I had to spend a substantial amount of time threading my main argument through the whole thing (as well as editing).
Once I had all the chapters (including redrafting them), it took my three months to get to submission standard. I was writing my chapters in a "stand alone" away and out of running order. So the three months was spent writing the introductory chapter (including redrafting it), going through the other chapters to make sure the theory and my arguments were threaded through, editing and proofreading, and finally writing the conclusion (with small edits).
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