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First year help


======= Date Modified 14 Sep 2011 10:04:15 =======
Hi, I started a PhD in March of this year so I am just 6 months in (I was a late starter). I had done an undergraduate degree at this university and after working for a year and a half I contacted one of my old lecturers to see what PhD opportunities were available at the university. From that point on it went really quickly and I submitted my application and proposal and was accepted to start that March. Although I did some research into what PhDs were like I am now starting to think I didn't do enough because I am so confused and am struggling. Because I started late I had no introductory course and coming from an undergrad degree and work straight into a PhD it has all been a bit of culture shock and I don't know what is expected of me. My relationship with my supervisor is not good at all and I am really struggling. After my proposal was accepted my supervisor keeps changing what he wants me to do. I know it is 'my' PhD but every time I suggest something he says no and then gives me something else to do. When I work on the area he suggested I submit some work based on that to him (article summaries etc) and he always says what I am doing is wrong and I should be focusing on other areas (even though he suggested it to me). Any meetings I have with him are very unstructured and he spends all the time on his iphone and computer and feel like he isn't listening to me. I booked off 2 weeks holiday (which he agreed) and I reminded him I would be away a week before and he made it clear to me that he was unhappy me taking these 2 weeks off. It is a non science PhD so I am spending all my time doing literature review (reading articles and summarising). It is so hard to remain focused and because I have no clear idea of what I am supposed to be doing I worry a lot that I will fail differenation and lose my scholarship and be left with nowhere to live. I come in everyday and work from 8am-3pm with around an hour lunch break. I don't know should I be doing more work at this stage but I find it difficult enough already stayed focused to read all day for 6 hours.
Does anyone have any advise on how to approach my first year and my problems with my supervisor?


======= Date Modified 15 Dec 2011 08:00:03 =======
Hey Vthebee,

First of all it sounds like you are doing a lot more work than I did in my first year! For you to be able to focus 6 hours a day is fantastic so I wouldn't be worrying about that area of things.

I don't think I know anyone who had an alright first year. It is always so difficult making the step from a masters to a phd, so the step from an undergrad to phd must be even harder. I think it's important to allow yourself these feelings and know that you are not alone in them.

Do you not have a second supervisor? Often it can be easier to talk to them as they are not as much invested in your work. It could be a case of either your first supervisor really does know what is best, and it is difficult for you to come from an undergrad setting to a phd setting, or he is being unreasonable. No-one on here can really tell you which one of these it is. It might help you to talk to others who have/have had him as a supervisor, and also talk to other members of staff in his department.

It's your first year so don't expect to have a fully formed argument and blueprint for your thesis. Don't take it to heart when your supervisor forgets what you've told him, most of them are forgetful at the best of times. And, although I know that this is nigh on impossible, try not to worry about 'what ifs.' Always have a plan b and remember that doing and having a phd is not the only way to enjoy a happy and successful life.

Best wishes xx