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Free Reference Software


Apologies for this being a repeat of a previous post.

What’s the best available free software for managing references (i.e. an alternative to endnote)? I know this has been discussed before but I can’t remember the name of the alternative, nor can I find it using the search function.

Cheers, belfry.




I just found out that the newest version of MS Office has a bibliography tool included. I only had a brief look at it though, and it seems to be very basic.
I know of a number of free/cheap programs in German, of which I don't know if English versions exist:
Literat (free)
Lit-Link (free)
intranda (22€)
Liman (9.90€)
Liman Pro (98€)
Visual Composer (40€)
Bibliographix (75€)
Citavi (90€)
A independent test marked Citavi as the best of these, though each of these programs has their specific strengths. For example Lit-Link was designed specifically for historians.


Get a 'knock-off' version of Endnote off the torrents [if you have no scrupples like my good self that is].


End note is supposed to be good. Your uni might sell a cheap version of it.