Hi all, hopefully some of you will have experience of this and can offer some advice :-)
I am 6 months off submission, I was on a 4 year programme so will have reached the max. time limit for my uni.
A RF post has come up that I would really like to apply for--it is at a dept/uni that I know and like, with researchers I respect, and is on a project that is relevant to my research that will also give me some great experience. But it is full time, and starting before I can submit the PhD.
I am tempted to apply, then if I get it request a suspension on my PhD (for 1 year), and then write up on hols/weekends. I know this is not unheard of, I just never thought I would do it.
Any advice on whether I should get me head down, try and finish this thing now and think about jobs/fellowships later (but risk not getting one when I do finish!) or just go for it?
Thank you
Hey Pup,
I am in exactly the same position, looking at a job that will start around 6 months before I am due to submit. Being totally realistic you may need to take an interruption of study, rather than try to do both things at once. I've spoken to lots of friends and family about this (and have a meeting with my supervisor on Monday about it), but so far everyone has told me to just get on and finish the PhD - once that is done, a lot more opportunities will come your way (I hope).
Thanks, sleepyhead, it's good to know others are in the same boat! I know the most sensible thing would probably be to just finish writing now.
The post would start when I have got most of my thesis together (ie, 2 months before I intend to submit) and there just aren't loads of good jobs about at the moment, and nothing is guaranteed with fellowships. I feel very torn. If I manage to get a suspension, it would effectively 'stop the clock', but I would have to write up in my own time as the post is for 18 months.
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