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giving my first seminar to MA students tmrw!!!


I am giving a 2 hour seminar tmrw to some MA students and I am very nervous. I want to look like I am an authority but I usually just end up flustered and sweaty!

Very nervous!

I'm worried they will think I am a fraud!! Any advice?!


Get an early night's sleep! And breathe, and breathe again when you get there. Oh and have a bottle of water.


Just remember the golden answer to any difficult question " That's a really interesting point and I will be sure to look into it further"
Oh and I recommend Bach Rescue Remedy for nerves


Go get em tiger :-)

Try to remember that you've earned the authority to give that seminar (and it wasn't easy, right?). You have valuable things to teach them, and they're not out to get you. They'll automatically assume you're qualified (which you are) so TRY to relax a little. In terms of academia, you're their superior so there really is no need to be scared of them. Remember first impressions are all important, so plan for a very strong start - try to fake confidence for literally a few minutes, they'll think you're amazing, and it it'll all flow from there.

I'm wasting my time of course - it's normal to be nervous. But just think, in 24 hours you will have done it, and you will not be as nervous (if at all) next time.

Good luck (up)


Aren't you supposed to imagine them naked or something?

(Good luck - you'll be fab and they'll be on your side anyway, especially if you get flustered and sweaty ;-) )


You'll do fine, Chrisrolinski. Just you remember who the expert is. People never know as much as you think.

I teach MSc students most of the time, rather than undergrads. What's great about them is that they are always up for a debate, and they think they know better, so you canuse that to your advantage. If they ask a question you don't know, you can say "well what do you think" or "what have you read?"


Thanks people!!! The seminar went okay, the students had some problems with one of the theoretical texts and that was difficult, but otherwise, I survived! :-)


Excellent! Next time should be easier for you too, which is a big plus :)