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Got a PhD in Teesside


I was awarded a PhD scholarship in Teesside University, Middlesbrough. Good news but since I got this and started searching about life in Middlesbrough, I am constantly reading horrible things! worst place in UK, lots of junkies roaming the streets, depressing city, dump city...etc.
Yet, I also find some posts stating that Middlesbrough is pretty normal, and that the things I mentioned do exist in other cities like Liverpool, Manchester...etc.
I am really confused and worried about accepting my PhD offer. I am asking from the people who lived there to advise me about the reality of this town.
Thank you.

It is not the greatest of places to live but people generally exaggerate crime. You won't get attacked in the streets and the surroundings are rather dull but it is still in a first world country. You can travel on weekends to nicer places and leave after your PhD.

Experience: Visited Middlesborough once


In terms of the university, while in general not so highly ranked, it's meant to be good at eg animation and computer game design. Place - well it's poor and that does influence things like shopping, leisure etc. Good modern art gallery though. You could also commute from nicer nearby towns - if the seaside is your thing, Saltburn by the Sea is cute and has a direct train link.

But I've never lived there just been to a couple of exhibitions at MIMA.


Hello - please don't tell southerners but Boro is fine. It's a poor-ish ex-industrial town and has some problems that come with that, but no worse than plenty of other places. Good parts and bad parts but the town centre is generally OK, just a bit dated. There are also lots of students there now so you'll not be lonely or out numbered. The Uni is decent, small and friendly. You'll be fine, so long as you're not expecting Harrogate or Chelsea.

Source: from Middlesbrough, wouldn't want to come from anywhere else.

Well done by the way.


Also, Middlesbrough is a town not a city.



I'm actually from the North East and I can assure you that Middlesbrough is a great place to be.
Crime is high, poverty is high but Teessiders are exceptionally warm and fun people to be around. Teesside university has an amazing community feel and lots of student opportunities.

I have spent many years living in Middlesbrough and I would live there again (currently overseas but hoping to get back soon). Please note that usually the North of England is depicted in a very negative light. There is a huge North South divide in the UK and unfortunately the North gets a bad name, but I would pick Teesside any day of the week over other parts of the UK.

Anyway, I hope you took the position and are enjoying life in the 'bozza'. UTB! (Up the Boro).