I have just received an offer to start a PhD in October and I'm sooooooo over the moon. I have held back making an account on here because I never thought I would get this far, but I have been raking through the discussion boards for months now getting some great advice. This forum has helped me so much - keep up the good work everyone, it really makes a difference!!
,-) (up)
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======= Date Modified 23 Jul 2009 11:25:24 =======
Hi Persistant PhD (great name! :) )
Well done and many congratulations.
I remember that feeling oh so well, ie not believing that I would ever get this far. I nearly fainted and couldn't stop shaking when I heard the news that I won my competitive PhD studentship. I really did not think I would get it!!!
Here I am now, nearly three years on into my PhD and only a few more months to go until I'm into a (hopefully) brief extension year! Even now, I still cannot get my head around the fact that I'm still here. I'm STILL expecting my supervisors to say to me 'sorry we've made a mistake. Your just not good enough for this PhD and we've offered it someone else'. Obviously not going to happen, but I believe imposter syndrome definitely applies to me!
My advice for any newbee PhD student is to enjoy the freedom and summer before September or October starts. I didn't really have the option- I jumped from MSc to PhD with only a couple of weeks off. I didn't go away or anything- and I reallly wish I did! A PhD will grab hold onto you for at least the next three years so make the most of your freedom :) (sorry if that sounds rather depressing!). I hope you enjoy the PhD rollarcoaster of emotions :)
All the best :)
I am 9 month sinto my PhD and looking at starting 2nd yr in October. Last October when I was in your shoes, I started this thread which you may find useful now :-)
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