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hello and aaagggghhhhh


Firstly I'll introduce myself

I'm supposed to be submitting on the 31st March, haven't even started the discussion chapter yet and beyond stressed!!!

Any tips? Just feeling so overwhelmed :-(


Hi Lobster
Not really many tips, just here for support! I know it's crappy writing up, but the most important thing is don't let it all get on top of you. Just look at exactly what you need to do for this chapter, break it down and realistically decide if it's possible by the end of the month, and if not then work out a date that you can submit it. You are so close to the end now so just keep plodding on and you WILL get there eventually (up)


well it's nice to meet lots of other PhD students, working from home alone so feel quite isolated!

reading the other threads glad it's not just me struggling with motivation and interest especially after 5 interviews etc


Hi Lobster

I'm also doing my dicsussion chapter - and it's hard! But you probably know that. Yes, do a rough plan, break it down, then just start writing. If you've gotten this far you obviously do know how to write, so just start. It will take a while, so just write anything and keep going. You can do this!! It's going to be a hard couple of weeks, but get into it!! I'm planning on having this chapter finished by the end of the month too, so at least you'll know you're not writing this part alone. Good luck!


Hi Lobster. I get totally intimidated and overwhelmed by my thesis on a regular basis, starting a new chapter always throws me. But look at it this way, you've slain most of the beast already so you're clearly capable, you just need to get into it. If your mind is going blank every time you sit at the keyboard, maybe try one of the following:

1-Free write about the topic in general, no correcting, no fact checking, just keep writing for 10-15 minutes and see what comes out.
2-Talk to someone about it, sometimes when you verbalise you make links and free up your brain in ways that writing just doesn't do.
3-Grab pen and paper and sketch out a skeleton of the chapter, work on this until you have it broken down enough to head back to your keyboard, picking it off one point at a time.

Not sure if any of that will help but these things sometimes get me out of my pit of despair and back into constructive activity :-)