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Help I've found a mistake in my thesis!


I have my viva in a week and a half and I've just found a mistake in my thesis. It isn't a major mistake, as it's in the explanation of a method used, and doesn't make my results invalid. However it does make me look like I don't understand the method properly, which I do. Do you think this will cause a major problem in the viva? Or will the fact that I've noticed the mistake now and will be able to correct my error if it's brought up in the viva go in my favour? Thanks for any advice, I'm really nervous!!


Hi Andie,

If it were me..  I'd thank my lucky stars i noticed it now.

Prepare an explanation for the error...  i.e. a correction ... stick it on the facing page of your annotated thesis (the one you'll be taking to you viva)

So, you're ready.

If its mentioned you can produce said explanation, acknowledge mistake and provide correction.

If its not mentioned... don't mention it.

If you can amend in your final version, just for completeness then do so... 

All the very best for your viva.

Please come back and let us know how it goes.

Regards, Chuff