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Help me guess the right abbreviation for references!


The journal that I am interested in requires the below reference style, which I am really unfamiliar to.
The challenging part is the abbrviation for the journal title
They are showing just one example as follows. (e.g. operation research --> Oper. Res. ).

Flynn J, Gartska SK (1990) A dynamic inventory model with periodic auditing. Oper. Res. 38(6):1089-1103.

On seeing only this example, I cannot guess how I can change the other journal titles in my references.
For example, what should I change 'journal of service marketing' into? What about 'journal of operations management'?

Could you please help me with this?


I see what you mean... I just look up how other papers cite those journals in the journal you are trying to publish in

'Journ. Serv. Mkt' and 'Journ. Ops. Mgmt' will suffice.


Thank you!
Now I know how to do it.

BTW sorry left a 'v' out of my post there ('serv' rather than 'ser'). Other abbs = jnl., org., ann., soc., svc., etc, all pretty straight forward?