Having read (and written myself) a few posts / cries for help today, I thought a morale boosting operation (or at least an attempt, albeit a clumsy one) was in order.
So here's what made me smile (and more...) today: my baby took her first steps this morning!
Also, and this is no mean feat in our busy household on a Friday evening, the fridge is still full(ish). Not for much longer though: I've got my eye on an indecently large piece of (homemade) lemon cheesecake, that should go a fair way to cheer me up.
Finally, my neighbour popped in earlier to ask if I wanted my car washed for free by her wayward teenager (phase 23 of her 'need to learn his lesson' programme...). That made me chuckle, especially given the state of my car.
So all in all, not a bad day.
What made you smile today? (all the better if it isn't PhD related!).