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how can i find out what prospective supervisors are like from across the world



i'm in the uk and planning on doing a PhD in new zealand

i've got a list of prospective supervisors, but i'm wondering if there's a way i can find out what they're like as supervisors? (NZ being so far, i can't visit to meet them and their current PhD candidates)

thanks for your help


There isn't really any way you'll find out.

You could contact past PhD students, but if they tell their former supevisors about it, they may not be too impressed on snooping tactics.

I would suggest you arrange meetings with all the supervisors via phone or Skype or video online. Any supervisor that is unwilling to meet/take a long telephone...well you can remove them from your list.


Most often u can judge a little bit of the sups character by the way he corresponds to u via e-mail-Is he thoughful, is he friendly, is he concerned, is he prompt in replying to ur queries etc. Then next thing would be to find out by having a chat with him.... But these things would just give u a rough idea as to how he might be....I f u are really desperate u can hire some agency to spy on him...hehehe!!! just kidding!!
Herz wishing that u get a really gud sup!!


thanks pari,
those are very good points.