Hello all,
I'm approaching the end of my 1st year, and will begin to collect data at the start of my 2nd year. I have conducted a few 'pilot' interviews, and had a bash analysing them using NVIVO, which was great, really liked it.
This was my 'task' during the summer months while my sups take their annual leave. I am meeting them in a couple of weeks and wanted to show them my interview transcripts (reflection on style etc) codes (free and tree nodes), memos and my general dilly dabbing in the NVIVO programme. Thing is, unless I download and install an additional NVIVO programme to my laptop and take it to the meeting, it's tricky to show all the links, memo links etc...?
How do you guys give updates/forward your analysis to your sups, when using NVIVO?
Great to hear how people overcome this