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How much maternity leave?


Hi. I posted a few weeks ago about telling my supervisor that I am pregnant*. Well, I told him and he was very nice about it and he wants me to work out a plan of when I expect to be on maternity leave and how I will arrange my work. Just wondered how much maternity leave other PhD mummies have taken? At the moment it looks like I WON'T get leave from my employers (who are paying for my study leave) which means that my study leave will end before my PhD does so I don't want to take too long. However, I don't want to be unrealistic. I'm thinking of suggesting eight months? Does that sound reasonable?

*Now I just have to work out how to tell him it's twins. ,-)



congrats to the babies :-)

In which country are you doing your Phd? In France/Holland for instance, women usually go back to work after 2-3 months, in Germany it is frowned upon if you stay home LESS than a 1 year .... it really depends.

Can you work from home for your PhD or do you need to go to a lab/office? That might also influence the decision.


Hi - I am doing my PhD in the UK although I am living in Italy. I have been mainly working from Italy (from home/local uni as I'm in the humanities) but have spent a few months in the UK - probably not very likely that I will be able to do that again though.


Eight months sounds reasonable - I wouldn't recommend less than 6. It's easier to arrange to go back sooner if you change your mind, than later. It is hard to predict - a lot depends on how baby sleeps etc.

I took a year and then went back part-time so I really had a lot of leave! Will you have enough childcare organized in order to go back full-time?


I think you already have one about the same age as mine - so at least you really know what you're getting into:p


"I think you already have one about the same age as mine - so at least you really know what you're getting into"

You'd think so wouldn't you? I seem to have blanked it all out though - I thought the little baby stage was behind me!!:-)