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How to fight against boredom in my dissertation project


Hi everyone,

It was a long time that I would like to write about my situation and I do not know if any has advice for me.
I am a graduate student in my third year, and the topic of my dissertation is really interesting to me but not the way that is being developed.
I have been working at the same place for years and I proposed new techniques and new ways to add data and make my PhD project better (and maybe publish in better journals) but my mentor is quite classic (old school) and he does not want to introduce anything that I am proposing, I have to do what he says and my ideas are not really being part of my project (he says that it will take me more time to develop those and I will be out of focus). I know that not everyone can develop their ideas but it is really frustrating and boring. Now I am going to work by myself and that is something that will help in my willing to enjoy my work here, but still the project and the techniques that we used are not very interesting to me.

I am here for two more years (I hope) and I will finish my PhD...and that thought is what is keeping me here..and the topic too, and maybe I can develop my ideas better in a postdoc... but sometimes my frustration keeps me away of enjoying this time of my life, and I know that this happens in a PhD but not everyday right?

Thanks so much.


I would just keep going. There's always highs and lows in anything long term. You're over half way through so just ride it out. Like you said, you will likely get more freedom in a postdoc.

Get a hobby or some way to relax. Or go on holiday.

Don't let the PhD consume you because if it is all you do, you can easily lose motivation. Taking that break may let you recharge and come back with that missing motivation. We get bored with the familiar, so make sure you always plan some time not working on the project.


Try to do something on the side. Be open about it. You should be allowed to develop your own small idea during your PhD!


Thanks so much for yous answers, I usually do things over the weekend but not after lab in the week, I should look for something to disconnect from my project and no go home straight away...
It is good to know that I am not alone on this!



Thanks Tudor_Queen that is something that frustrates me a lot!but I am on a grant with a stipend so...I should just work on it...